Building Application Process

The professional building consultants here at the Building Certification Group have a proven track record for helping developers and building professionals carry out fluid and timely building approvals.

We have over 20-years of experience working with industry-leading Australian and international building and property developers, with over 60,000 building approvals to our credit.

Building Consultation

Building Facilitation

Building Certification

Building Application Process

Request a Quote

Please complete the details below and attach your plans, and a Certifier will organise a quote of your proposed project.

Alternatively, please send an email to with your plans attached requesting a quote.

What structures require a building application?

In Qld some structures may not require a building application, and may be considered accepted building works. If the following items can be met, no application would be required
Building works Requirements to be considered accepted building works
Communication structures such as a satellite dish, aerial, antenna -If the structure us attached to a building or structure and is no more than 3.5m above the building or structure, or -Detached from any building or structure, and is no more than 10m above the device’s natural ground level, or -A satellite dish with a maximum diameter of 900mm
Cubby House -Structure is no higher than 3m above natural ground level.
Deck – unroofed Structure is no higher 1.0m high natural ground level and- -Plan is no more than 10sqm in area, -Any side is no longer than 5m.
Fence -Fence has no retaining wall and is no higher than 2m above ground level, or -Retaining wall is associated with the new fence and wall height is no higher than 1m and the combined height of the fence and the wall is no higher than 2m, And is not -Used as a pool fence, -Located on a corner lot.
Garden Shed Plan areas, including the roof overhang, is no more 10sqm and- -is no higher than 2.4m -Is a mean average height of no more than 2.1m, and -Any side is no longer than 5m.
Pergola unroofed Plan areas, including the roof overhang, is no more 10sqm and- -is no higher than 2.4m -Is a mean average height of no more than 2.1m, and -Any side is no longer than 5m.
Retaining Wall Total height of the wall and the cut or fill is no more than 1m above natural ground level of the wall and- -the retaining wall is no closer than 1.5m to another building or another retaining wall, and -there is no surcharge loading over the zone of influence for the wall.
Disclaimer- Information provided is general in nature for Queensland, and is not site specific. Where relevant, you should seek further advice from either the Local Authority or Building Certification Group.


Building works must not commence work on site until the Building Certifier has issued a building approval which includes a Decision Notice and Approved Plans.

Building Certifiers assess building application, decide whether to issue building approvals and certify and inspect building works. Certifier ensures the building work comply with the building assessment provisions, the Building Act and the approval.

Building Certifiers are not supervisors of the site, ensure contract conditions are completed, ‘Clerk or Works’ or ensure Builders workmanship/ quality control.

DA Form 2 is required to be completed as the Building Certifier will issue a Development Permit for Building Works. It is a State Government form used for a number of different applications lodged with the Local Authority as well as building applications lodged with Building Certifiers.

Contact us for more information about our building certification process!